How Real Estate Investors People Think

Introduction The real estate market is a complicated one. It's a tough industry to navigate, with so many factors influencing the value of homes and rental properties. A few decades ago, investors would have been able to rely on logic and intuition alone to make decisions about what types of properties to buy and when. But today's markets are driven by emotions as much as they are by logic or intuition—and investors need to understand that reality if they want any chance at success in this field. Logic is not the primary driver Many people think that real estate investors are driven primarily by logic. Nothing could be further from the truth. People who invest in real estate are motivated by emotions, and those emotions can change from one moment to the next. Your mood and motivation affect how much money you want to spend on a property and whether or not you decide to take action when it comes to your investment decisions. Trust is a primary driver The primary driv...